Thursday, February 17, 2011


           Jack never plays with other dogs. I woke up a happy camper the morning after we got Bo solely because I had two puppies now. But after I groggily walked into the kitchen to see my two puppies playing tug-of-war together, I could not contain the smile on my face. Jack had refused to play with Bo at all the night before, so this came as a huge surprise.
I went to school as cheerful as humanly possible when you’re up before the sun is. Everyone that knew I was getting a puppy asked about Bo and I gladly told them the stories from the night before. I went through the day wishing I was at home playing with my new dog.
Around lunchtime, I got a text from my mom that said Bo got out of his crate. Damage still being assessed. Prepare yourself for when you get home. Excuse me? Bo got out of his crate? How could he possibly get out of his crate? Oh, so my deaf dog was also magic. No big deal.
I tried to think of everything that was left out that he could possibly ruin and one thing just kept popping into my head. My nook. (It’s like a kindle, only better. If you’re looking for an e-reader I would suggest the nook for sure.) It was sitting in my brand new duffle bag that had all of my clothes from my dad’s house in it. My brand new nook in its brand new bright blue case was sitting right on top of the unzipped bag. I kept telling my friends I just really hope he didn’t pee on my nook.
The last few hours of my school day slowly crept by until finally the last bell rang. I walked out to my car, where my brother was waiting for me. When we got in the car, I told him Bo had gotten lose and to be ready when we got to the house.
I was relieved to see that Bo’s adorable white face was not there to greet me when I opened the door to my house. I let him out of his crate and my brother watched him while I walked around to see how much fun Bo had earlier.
Fun fact number three about Bo: he is a kleptomaniac. He will just take random things and move them to a different spot. He doesn’t chew them, just moves them.
When I got to the living room, I found a lotion bottle that used to be in my room and laughed to myself. (Bo’s foster dad had told us about his need to steal things.)  I went to my room and at first glance everything looked okay. I took a few steps in and the smell of urine hit me. I was standing right over my nook. I knelt down and opened the top of my duffle bag and the first thing I saw was a pee-stained basketball shirt, and then some jeans with wet spots. My eyes wandered over to my nook and much to my surprise it was absolutely fine. Bo had peed on every single item in that bag except for my nook. I guess he knew exactly how much he could get away with.
Oh, and just in case you're wondering, my mom didn't close the latch on the crate right. Bo isn't really a magician.

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